Wednesday, June 27, 2012 works? How does it even work? PART 1

     When I accepted Christ in my heart.....the ONLY thing that I was sure of, was the feeling that I had that I had never felt before!  I knew I HAD to make that decision.  Without faithful friends and family getting me to church, I am not sure how that oppurtunity would have worked.  I knew nothing about what was to follow, what following Christ meant, what faith meant and what good deeds was going to do for me!
     Honestly, I think it is healthy to re-evalute what all of that means throughout your Christian walk once you have spent time learning what it means.  Believing is a tricky word and used very losely.  Lots of people say they believe in many things, but when put to the test...not only will they not put IT to the test, but they know absolutely nothing about what it is they say they are believing in.  So when you get to the topic of believing in an all knowing, all powerful creator of time and everything in it..........people want proof! Proof of existance! 
     I love to workout (big surprise for those who know me) but it wasnt always evident!  I remember since about 12 yrs old falling in love with lifting weights and going with my dad to his gym.  I loved the days of lifting in soccer when I was in high school but couldn't keep it up because of health issues.  Two years ago the doctors were able to help me with some of those issues and I decided to get back at it.  Some people thought it was just a moment for me, but that passion and desire has only gotten stronger. It takes works, but it is the evidence of the unseen that made others believe that the steps I was taking were working.  Those around me began to see the results and began asking me what I was doing.  They wanted details, specifics, a lay out of how I did it. They saw proof!!!!!!  I began writing workouts down for people, some joined me in the workout, and began to get results too.  That is exactly the way it works with Christianity!  Unseen....evidence...BELIEF!  What do you give to people when they ask? SCRIPTURE, GOD'S LIVING WORD.  If you don't have it memorized, give them the bible.  God tell us to always be ready to give an answer for our Belief (hope)!  1 Peter 3:15  Always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason[c] for the hope that is in you. When your life becomes a testimony.....know what it is and be ready to share!
     When I truely believe in something, it is because I have experienced it myself.  As I have grown as a believer, each experience with God has caused me to believe more in what I claim.  Just as I said in my previous blog, you learn who people are by your experience with them, just as they do with you!  So if you have taken the step to say yes to Christ, and have been taught that He is a living God; who communicates by the Holy Spirit, you can only learn to trust Him by having a REAL relationship with Him, with REAL experiences...that is your proof! You begin to see the evidence of God in everything.  You begin to trust Him and rely on His word to guide you because of your belief in your experiences, NOT the experiences of others.  People around you will begin to see the evidence of what you say you believe as well.  There is your seed you are planting in those around you.  While praying for your life to show the evidence to others, God will speak to their hearts (in His timing).  Never give up......never quit showing others.....that is why a believers life is a life long journey.  We will never stop learning about who our Father is and will never fully understand His love and power until the day we are in heaven!!!  It is possible to lose sight of what you believe if you do not stay in it.  Don't let the fire and passion begin to fade and let darkness set in! Your fire needs to remain bright so more people can see it.  The bigger the fire, the more attention you will get and that is why the devil attacks the smallest spark with disbelief! 

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