Friday, June 22, 2012

Planning your create a new past!

     What would I change, if I could, since April 5th 1976?  Hmm.....LOTS!  How much of that was within my control? That is what I must recreate for my future, and for the future of all the people of my life.  What kind of mom am I, what kind of daughter, what kind of sister, what kind of friend, what kind of leader, what kind of co-worker and most of all....what kind of BELIEVER am I?
     I love to think about all the wonderful memories of all the feel good moments with people and experiences in my life.  I try to recreate those moments for my daughter and create ones that I maybe dreamed of having.  I still have a long long ways to go on some of those dreams. 
     I also have to take inventory of the bad moments and experiences that I have been through, and try my best to NOT let those into my life with my family.  In order to do this I have to take inventory of any hurt someone else caused me, as well as the hurt or wrong action I had.  It is hard to recognize sometimes because some of those actions were more of a response to the years of hurt that the other person had done to me.  It still does not make it right,  and I must take accountability.  I think of the mistakes I have made with my daughter, and am so grateful for forgiveness.  She always hears my apology, and accepts my mistakes, and is ready to move on.  She will remember the apology more than the mistake IF I move on to correct that behavior.  God deals with us in the same way.....CONVICTION SHOULD ALWAYS LEAD TO REPENTANCE.....AND REPENTANCE SHOULD ALWAYS LEAD TO RENEWAL! Renewal is the fruit (evidence to others)of our salvation...the belief in God in that He is able to heal EVERYTHING and SAVE anyone who calls out to Him!  What better future can you plan than that of seeing all your loved ones in Heaven with you.  Colossians 3:2 Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth.
     Our minds are always in the wrong place if we lose sight of why we are here to begin with.  We were created for ONE WORSHIP OUR MAKER!  How many people do you know in your life who actually live this way.  It is hard for us to see past the sin and destruction that exsist everywhere to be able to see the true beauty of God and His creation.  When I think of creation, I think of it as the earth and all the splendor a beautiful landscape can make me feel, but God created US in HIS image....doesn't that mean that WE are His Masterpeice?  Yes it He sad by where we have gone.....Yes He IS!  If you are a believer, you are to be set apart from those who disbelieve.  But.....we are to love all people because we are all His creation. Christians seem to be the biggest stumbling block to unbelievers when their actions are out of line with their words, and SATAN is the biggest stumbling block to Christians! Matthew 16:23 "Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men." In order to live this way, and change our future to have a wonderful past.....we must focus on who God is and what He wants in and out of our lives. Until we realize that our ETERNITY is at stake and what Hell holds.....our past will continue to control our future! -Tennille Queen

                            PROTECT YOURSELF WITH THE FULL ARMOR OF GOD!
                                                           ACTS 17:11
     -The belt of Truth -The Breastplate of Rightousness -fit your feet with the Gospel of Peace
    - The shield of Faith  -The Helmet of Salvation - The Sword of the Spirit

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