Thursday, June 21, 2012

Addiction to the past and overcoming it with God's purpose!

     It is in our nature to go back to what we already know.  This is something that I believe God ordained....but we have lost in generations as to what that training should be.  Proverbs 22:6 tell us to Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
That tells me that we will ALWAYS go back to what we were taught.  There are so many things we do as people that are done just because that is the way our parents did it, or don't do, because our parents never did it that way.  If you are a believer, it is necessary to learn how God would do it!  It is so important to teach our own children how to love, live and rely on God for the source of their strength, we must know for ourselves though.  I am grateful that I had a mother who loved me unconditionally and did her best to not restrict who I was or could be.  Not everyone had that and live under the belief that they must revert back to a life of hurt and pain to feel alive.  It is familiar, so it seems more comfortable than a life of peace and quite.  When that quiteness hits and you do not know how to listen to God in that moment......familiar memories begin to scream at you!  Good and Bad!

The same goes in relationships from the past.  Past experiences teach us about who others are and what they are capable of.  It also teaches how we are and what we are capable of.  I look back at relationships I have had with friends, boyfriends and family and find myself in disbelief how some can bring out the absolute worst in me and some the best!  Focus on the best and what qualities and characteristics those people have, and stick to them like glue.  More importantly....focus on being that for 0thers and setting your life up for God's oppurtunity to speak through you!  There will never be anything that changes you more than being used by God.  God always brings about His favor, His people, His love to overcome ANY trial His child if facing.  He never fails! For those who were not taught about the Lord as a child and are just learning that there is a God, you will KNOW He is there when you do this.  All the sick and twisted ways of this world will no longer control your actions, your heart and your thoughts.  Reading God's word will begin to align your thoughts and your actions to His word, which will only cause you to BELIEVE!  God tells us in Matthew 17:20 - You don't have enough faith," Jesus told them. "I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible." 

That verse tells me that the people He was speaking to, could go from having VERY LITTLE FAITH (most people) to having UNMOVABLE FAITH.  That, to me, is Hope at its best!  So remember the past, but change the future and live out a new addiction in your life- CHRIST!

-Tennille Queen

suggested reading: "Battlefield of the Mind" by Joyce Myer
suggested group study: "Experiencing God" by Henry T Blackaby & Claude V King
suggested individual study: 'Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warrren

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